The Maritime Industry Council represents members' views, concerns and opinions by identifying issues and lobbying Federal, Territory and Local Governments, ensuring business views are presented to Government Ministers and officials.

There are no prerequisites to becoming an active member of the Maritime Industry Council of the Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory.

Membership is either available individually, or in conjunction with Essentials (or above) membership of the Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory, wherein the membership will be included at no additional charge.

Stand Alone Maritime Industry Council Membership - $495.00 (GST inclusive)
Maritime Industry Council Membership attached to Chamber NT Membership (Essentials or above) - FREE

As a member of the NT Maritime Industry Council, you will receive:

  • Strong lobbying and representation
  • Ongoing promotion of the capability of Northern Territory business through inclusion into the Chamber's online Business Directory;
  • Representation, marketing and promotion for the sector
  • Services, to all businesses
  • Communication, to all businesses and to media etc.

All with the strong goal of Ease of Business, Business Opportunities, and Business Growth.

This all occurs with a solutions-based approach, concentrating on proactive involvement in strategic policy development.

Specific to the Maritime Industry Council:

  • Direct advocacy with Government, federal and Territory, with Primes and with ADF in regard to Maritime operations, infrastructure and future business opportunities.
  • Connection and Representation into the development of Integrated Logistic Chains, offering direct connections to market, transport and supply.
  • Development of a common user training facility for workforce development.
  • Strong advocacy for strengthened maritime infrastructure throughout the Territory’s maritime operational area.