Last week the Manufacturers Council was thrilled to host a breakfast presentation with guest speakers Will Jefferies and Louise McCormick. Centred on the theme of ‘Big Picture to Reality’ the morning allowed NT business to gain some insight into how large projects are conceived and progressed through to completion.  

Louise is a well known Territorian, an experienced engineer and one of the Northern Territory Government’s Investment Commissioners.  Her role as Deputy Chief Executive within the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics presents Louise with the important challenge of driving major projects within the Territory.   Louise led the 70 plus attendees through the process of untangling the riddle of prioritising large projects, as well as some updates on the current NTG Major Projects.  Of particular interest is the Middle Arm Project.  Louise’s PowerPoint presentation is attached. 

Will is a spokesperson for Project Iron Boomerang, which is large scale proposal for increasing value adding within Australia.   The basic concept of Iron Boomerang is to connect the rich resources of Iron Ore in Australia’s West, with those of coal found near the Eastern Seaboard, by means of railway.   This huge infrastructure project would lessen the logistical cost of empty returns for marine vessels currently carrying ore and coal to overseas destinations for processing abroad, and increase the in country value add of Australia’s natural resources.  An ambitious goal with a high price tag, but one with a very good return on investment, and with significant secondary benefits for Australia and the Territory.  For more information on Iron Boomerang, please go to



The Manufacturers Council provides Advocacy, Representation, Communications and Services to the broader manufacturing sector in the NT. The Council brings the larger resources of the Chamber of Commerce NT and the broader Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry connections to assist in working towards NT business growth. The Manufacturers Council is interested in hearing from Territory businesses, and how we may serve our members and the broader sector better. If you would like to share a business concern, project idea, or growth opportunities with the Manufacturers Council, we would welcome your enquiry on [email protected].  

We also encourage your involvement with the Manufacturers Council and Chamber NT members receive a very substantial discount on MC membership of 100%!  To ask about this and more, again please contact us on [email protected], or call 08 8982 8100.




Manufacturers Council - Chamber of Commerce NT