The NT Manufacturers Council represents members' views, concerns and opinions by identifying issues and lobbying Federal, Territory and Local Governments, ensuring business views are presented to Government Ministers and officials.

There are no prerequisites to becoming an active member of the Manufacturers Council of the Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory.

Membership is either available individually, or in conjunction with Essentials (or above) membership of the Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory, wherein the membership will be included at no additional charge.

Stand Alone Manufacturers Council Membership - $495.00 (GST inclusive)
Manufacturers Council Membership attached to Chamber NT Membership (Essentials or above) - FREE

As a member of the NT Manufacturer's Council you will receive:

  • Strong lobbying and representation
  • Ongoing promotion of the capability of Northern Territory business through inclusion into the Chamber's online Business Directory;
  • Regular news items via the Chamber's website, containing information and opportunities relating to projects of interest in the manufacturing sector, particularly in areas such as oil and gas, mining, construction and infrastructure, and Defence;
  • Access to seminars and forums on issues of importance to the manufacturing sector at discounted prices;
  • Advice on quality issues necessary for business structure, growth and tender compliance, export advice, assistance programs, market analysis and business matching.