The International Business Council (IBC) provides Advocacy, Representation, Communication and Business Assistance for Northern Territory businesses involved in foreign trade.

There are no prerequisites to becoming an active member of the International Business Council of the Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory.

Membership is either available individually, or in conjunction with Essentials (or above) membership of the Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory, wherein the membership will be included at no additional charge.

Stand Alone IBC Membership - $495.00 (GST inclusive)
IBC Membership attached to Chamber NT Membership (Essentials or above) - FREE

IBC membership will support you with some of the following business benefits:

  • Advice while starting up an import or export business
  • Connecting with suppliers or buyers both in Australia and overseas
  • Export market assessments
  • Export assistance programs
  • Business and skilled migration advice
  • Latest information on customs requirements, travel and consular advice
  • Representation at and invitations to trade events and business delegations
  • Export Awards Program
  • Advice for import or export start-up businesses

The International Business Council supports members in their pursuit to international success.

The IBC has direct connections in many Southeast Asian countries, and where we don’t yet have direct connections, we have the ability to work through Chambers of Commerce in nearly every country in the world.

Additionally, the IBC works with other associations and DFAT ensuring a positive, comprehensive, experience.

It is nearly always our advice to work with others when establishing yourself in a new market. The IBC is a great platform to work with other trade-oriented businesses.  It is important to remember that filling an international market demand is most often harder than finding the market in the first place.

Trade Missions are an important part of our remit.  We work closely with the Northern Territory Government to ensure a comprehensive approach to exploring new markets together.